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News image Learning how to read and reading to learn at Northbridge - Learning how to read and reading to learn at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Educational Insights
Learning how to read and reading to learn at Northbridge

At Northbridge International School Cambodia, our skills for English learning start early when we listen to our families and teachers speak in English.  We hear the sounds (phonetics) that culminate in the English languagewords, sentences, and types of texts where we put sentences together for different purposes.

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News image Why Northbridge Action Learning Camps are such a wonderful opportunity for our students - Why Northbridge Action Learning Camps are such a wonderful opportunity for our students Blog | Primary | School News
Why Northbridge Action Learning Camps are such a wonderful opportunity for our students

Many events have occurred this year at Northbridge International School Cambodia that have been missing for a few years, parents in classrooms for meetings, packed audiences for our Secondary production, International Day, numerous sports events, overseas cultural trips and countless local field trips. All these events have one thing in common, an opportunity for new experiences.

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News image The importance of STEAM to Grade 3 learning at Northbridge - The importance of STEAM to Grade 3 learning at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School Advice
The importance of STEAM to Grade 3 learning at Northbridge

In today’s ever changing world of education, including at Northbridge International School Cambodia, we hear a lot about the importance of STEM or STEAM activties. But what are these and why are they deemed to be so important?

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News image Play is not only for Early Learning at Northbridge - Play is not only for Early Learning at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School Advice
Play is not only for Early Learning at Northbridge

Take a visit to our early learning spaces at Northbridge International School Cambodia, both inside and out, and you will observe a wealth of play activities happening. Students are interacting in playing on their own (solo play), playing with the same thing or in the same space (mirrored play) or sharing together (collaborative play).

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News image The importance of life skills in the educational process at Northbridge - The importance of life skills in the educational process at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School Advice
The importance of life skills in the educational process at Northbridge
Every day, for both students and staff at Northbridge International School Cambodia, the media and social networks bombard our brains with thousands of advertisements. We are promised magic formulas to make easy money, achieve a slim body without exercising, or learn a language in 7 days.
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News image Why I am proud of our student leaders in Primary at Northbridge - Why I am proud of our student leaders in Primary at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Student Work and Success
Why I am proud of our student leaders in Primary at Northbridge

For those of you who joined us for the Festival of Lights you will have noticed a group of Northbridge International School Cambodia Primary students that were comperes at the front of the stage introducing each act. They did a fantastic job of joining the different acts together and introducing each one in such a clear and confident way.

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News image Why Seesaw is a window into Primary learning at Northbridge - Why Seesaw is a window into Primary learning at Northbridge News | Parent Advice | Primary
Why Seesaw is a window into Primary learning at Northbridge

Studies show that a family's engagement has a direct positive impact on a child's learning success at any school, including Northbridge International School Cambodia.

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News image Why I love the transformational student leadership at Northbridge - Why I love the transformational student leadership at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Student Work and Success
Why I love the transformational student leadership at Northbridge

Being the Primary Student Leadership Leader at Northbridge International School Cambodia has put me in a position to bloom as a leader because of the transformational student leadership skills and style that our Student Council (STUCO) seem to embody so beautifully.

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News image How we are improving student writing skills in Primary Mother Tongue language class at Northbridge - How we are improving student writing skills in Primary Mother Tongue language class at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Insight and Advice
How we are improving student writing skills in Primary Mother Tongue language class at Northbridge

There are some essential skills students must learn in their academics at Northbridge International School Cambodia. Among these, writing is undoubtedly one of the most important skills all successful students must acquire. However, writing is considered the most difficult skill to be taught and learned, as it requires hard work and constant practice on a regular basis.


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News image Using digital math platforms in the PYP at Northbridge - Using digital math platforms in the PYP at Northbridge Blog | Primary | steam
Using digital math platforms in the PYP at Northbridge

Digital math platforms, sometimes known as math apps, have become increasingly common in recent years, including at Northbridge International School Cambodia. These platforms, which offer an online space for children to learn and practice mathematical concepts and skills, became ubiquitous in education due to the period of global school closures brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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News image Why we should care about reading at Northbridge - Why we should care about reading at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Parent Advice
Why we should care about reading at Northbridge
Reading is not only a fundamental literacy skill but a life skill. It allows us all, including students at Northbridge International School Cambodia, to access learning and connects us to a world of information and ideas.
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News image Building for the future in Early Learning at Northbridge - Building for the future in Early Learning at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School Advice
Building for the future in Early Learning at Northbridge

When we say that "children are the future", we assume that childhood is the most critical moment in the development of any human being. For this reason, when it comes to investing in their training as active and dynamic beings in the task of building a better world, the Early Learning section at Northbridge International School Cambodia becomes the ideal place, the most fertile ground to cultivate not only skills and knowledge but also dreams and interests that will ultimately define the lives of our students.

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News image Grade One at Northbridge - growing together as a community of learners - Grade One at Northbridge - growing together as a community of learners Blog | Primary | Student Stories
Grade One at Northbridge - growing together as a community of learners

Our first Unit of Inquiry in Grade One at Northbridge International School Cambodia has been a time of connecting and feeling belonging as we get to know ourselves and each other.

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News image A Northbridge Grade 5 inquiry - How to be the best we can be - A Northbridge Grade 5 inquiry - How to be the best we can be Blog | Primary | Student Work and Success
A Northbridge Grade 5 inquiry - How to be the best we can be

Currently in the Grade 5 classrooms at Northbridge International School Cambodia, the students and the teachers are on a bit of a journey exploring how to be a successful learner. 

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News image Presenting real life learning in Grade 3 at Northbridge - Presenting real life learning in Grade 3 at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School News
Presenting real life learning in Grade 3 at Northbridge
A dragon fruit is quite a spectacular fruit, but it is not common in all parts of the world, so if you had never seen one and tried to imagine what it would be like, what would you think? Would it be spicy and hot like a dragon’s breath? Would it be red or green like the dragons in pictures? Would it have spikes along the back? This question was recently posed to Grade 3 students at Northbridge International School Cambodia.
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News image Musings about the changing use in technology at Northbridge - Musings about the changing use in technology at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Teacher Stories
Musings about the changing use of technology at Northbridge
It may come as a surprise to you, but I am a child of the sixties who grew up in the UK during the 70’s and early 80’s (before eventually ending up at Northbridge International School Cambodia a few years ago). When we were growing up; bicycles, sports, reading and building things were our main pastimes.
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News image How to make our Primary students fall in love with learning at Northbridge - How to make our Primary students fall in love with learning at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School Advice
How to make our Primary students fall in love with learning at Northbridge
Human beings have an innate ability to learn, and it is no secret that any learning process must be pleasant, fun, and attractive, but above all meaningful. This means that what a student learns in the classroom at Northbridge International School Cambodia must have effective applicability in real life. Otherwise, we could be offering information and data that may be very interesting, but with little meaning for real life.
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News image Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Primary - Welcome to the new school year from the Head of Primary Blog | Primary | School News
Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Primary
Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge International School Cambodia. I hope you have managed to get some time to relax and the students are rested and ready for their new classes. It was certainly lovely to see so many of them on Wednesday when they came to see their new teachers and learning spaces.
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News image Looking back at a year of Primary in Northbridge - Looking back at a year of Primary in Northbridge Blog | Primary | School News
Looking back at a year of Primary in Northbridge
I am delighted to be writing the final Northbridge International School Cambodia Primary blog whilst looking out of the office window and watching the students come to school.
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News image How the House system at Northbridge is growing from strength to strength - How the House system at Northbridge is growing from strength to strength Blog | Primary | School News
How the House system at Northbridge is growing from strength to strength
We have had such a great year at Northbridge International School Cambodia and the House System is really up and running under our House Leaders Ms Camille, Mr Kosal, Mr Paraic and Mr Z.
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