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News image What you need to know about occupational therapy at Northbridge - what-you-need-to-know-about-occupational-therapy-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
What you need to know about occupational therapy at Northbridge
Some parents at Northbridge International School Cambodia may have heard about occupational therapy but are not quite sure how it can support your student/child. Others might have been referred to an occupational therapist but do not understand why, especially since your student/child does not have an occupation yet. Finally, some of you may see that your student/child is struggling with certain skills, but do not know that an occupational therapist can help. If you fit into any of these groups, we have good news for you!
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News image Why learning phonics is an integral part of Primary learning at Northbridge - why-learning-phonics-is-an-integral-part-of-primary-learning-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
Why learning phonics is an integral part of Primary learning at Northbridge
Learning phonics allows children to build a solid foundation of understanding of how words work, which allows them to become great readers and writers. It is an integral part of learning for our lower Primary students at Northbridge International School Cambodia, and we have been working with parents on how they can support their children at home.
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News image Technology integration in Primary at Northbridge - technology-integration-in-primary-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
Technology integration in Primary at Northbridge
Technology in schools such as Northbridge International School Cambodia can be used in a number of ways, mainly to (a) substitute for traditional instruction, (b) change and transform instruction, or (c) redefine how kids learn and showcase that learning.
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News image Grade 2s learn about honey production processes in field trip to Romdeng restaurant - grade-2s-learn-about-honey-production-processes-in-field-trip-to-romdeng-restaurant News | Primary
Grade 2s learn about honey production processes in field trip to Romdeng restaurant
Grade 2s 'How We Organize Ourselves' unit focused on production processes. The central idea was “Many products go through a process of change before they are consumed or used.”
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News image International day | Northbridge school Cambodia - discovering-the-world-beyond-food-and-flags Blog | Primary
Discovering the world beyond food and flags
A few weeks ago, in preparation for our Cultural Festival, I wrote a blog post about how multicultural understanding could be developed at home. Now that the festivities of the day have died down, I thought I would share with you some of what we did in Primary classes to develop this at school and ensure that students experienced more from other countries than just food and flags.
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News image The importance of developing creativity - the-importance-of-developing-creativity Blog | Primary
The importance of developing creativity
As education develops over the years, certain trends take on importance at different times due to contextual and historical demands as well as what we learn about brain development and the way in which children learn. Sir Ken Robinson, a leading voice in education, has given various lectures on what he believes is currently needed in education, and I encourage anyone with an interest in education to view this as it is very thought provoking.
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News image Developing multicultural understanding - developing-multicultural-understanding Blog | Primary
Developing multicultural understanding
Next Friday we will have a wonderful time together as a community celebrating the rich cultural diversity we have in our school.
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News image Great turnout for first Parent Phonics Workshop - great-turnout-for-first-parent-phonics-workshop News | Primary
Great turnout for first Parent Phonics Workshop
On Tuesday 23 October, about 50 parents of students in EL3, EL4, KG, Grade 1 and Grade 2 attended our first Parent Phonics Workshop, held by Ms Kate and Ms Becky.
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News image The value of making mistakes - the-value-of-making-mistakes Blog | Primary
The value of making mistakes
Northbridge is proud to be an IB Continuum school and we value all of the learner profile attributes. These attributes are our school-wide learning outcomes and are the ways of thinking, feeling and being that we aim to develop in all of our students.
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News image Full STEAM ahead with Nord Anglia's first ever regional festival - full-steam-ahead-with-nord-anglias-first-ever-regional-festival Blog | Primary
Full STEAM ahead with Nord Anglia's first ever regional festival
Next week we are hosting Nord Anglia’s first ever regional STEAM Festival in which 10 Nord Anglia schools from the Southeast Asia region will be participating. Over 100 students from Grade 6-9 are being sent to join this event, and we believe that it has the potential to grow and include Primary students in the following years.
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News image Viewing guidelines for Primary students - viewing-guidelines-for-primary-students Blog | Primary
Viewing guidelines for Primary students
I can imagine that you’ve all heard the quote “You are what you eat!” but have you ever thought that “You are what you watch!”?
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News image Conflict resolution at Northbridge - Take 5! - conflict-resolution-at-northbridge--take-5 Blog | Primary
Conflict resolution at Northbridge - Take 5!
At Northbridge, we want all of our children to be strong, independent and compassionate people who demonstrate our ‘caring hearts, ambitious minds’ philosophy. Sometimes in daily life, problems and conflicts arise, and we want our children to be equipped to deal with these situations fairly and peacefully.
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News image Eight elements necessary to develop innovative thinkers - eight-elements-necessary-to-develop-innovative-thinkers Blog | Primary
Eight elements necessary to develop innovative thinkers
In our preparations at the start of the school year, I was reminded of a blog post I read a few months ago written by George Couros - author of the book "The Innovator's Mindset". In his post, he discussed the eight elements he regarded as necessary in today’s classrooms in order for students to develop the dispositions and literacies required to succeed.
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News image Supporting your child’s reading at home - supporting-your-childs-reading-at-home Blog | Primary
Supporting your child’s reading at home
Research shows that reading to a child is the single most important thing you can do to support your child’s education.
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News image Reading Through the Summer - reading-through-the-summer Blog | Primary
Reading Through the Summer
As we approach the summer break, one of the best ways you can continue to support your child's academic development is through encouraging them to read and making shared reading a part of your holiday routine.
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News image The Exhibition Process - the-exhibition-process Blog | Primary
The Exhibition Process
It has been encouraging to see how students in Grade 5 have risen to the challenge of the PYP Exhibition. They have spent time finding out their passion, how this links to a global issue and what their creative expression will be around this issue.
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News image Early Learning Update - early-learning-update Blog | Primary
Early Learning Update
In April, our Early Learning 2 programme moved from being a half-day programme to a full day programme. This change was welcomed by our parents and our students and it has been wonderful to see how our youngest students have adapted to the change. Here are some thoughts from Ms Natalie our EL2 teacher.
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News image Programme of inquiry review - keeping our curriculum current - programme-of-inquiry-review--keeping-our-curriculum-current Blog | Primary
Programme of inquiry review - keeping our curriculum current
The programme of inquiry in a PYP school is an overview of all of the units of inquiry in every grade level organised under the transdisciplinary themes.
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News image Parentalk - How to Become a Better Parent - parentalk--how-to-become-a-better-parent News | parents | Primary | Secondary
Parentalk - How to Become a Better Parent
Being a parent is one of life’s greatest joys, but it is also one of its biggest challenges. There’s hardly a mum or dad on the face of the earth who, at times, is not overawed by the task of parenting, which is why we're proud to announce Parentalk courses covering the Primary Years and the Teenage Years.
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News image Kindergarten present 'Where the Wild Things Are' - kindergarten-present-where-the-wild-things-are News | Art | Music and Drama | Primary
Kindergarten present 'Where the Wild Things Are'
On Monday 10 April, our Kindergarten children were very excited to share their re-telling of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sendak, with their parents and the Early Learning students.
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