Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 June, 2022

UK’s top-performing A-Level College, Oxford International College, announces new college in Brighton

UK’s top-performing A-Level College, Oxford International College, announces new college in Brighton - UKs top-performing A-Level College Oxford International College announces new college in Brighton

Oxford International College (OIC), the UK’s number one A-Level college, today announced the launch of its brand-new boarding college opening in September 2023. Oxford International College Brighton (OIC Brighton) will enrol British and international students from Year 9 to Year 13, offering Pre-GCSE, GCSE and A-Level courses.


OIC Brighton will be located at Ovingdean Hall, built in 1792, with capacity for 500 students. The multi-million-pound development will include state-of-the-art teaching rooms, science labs, sports and fitness centres, and will have boarding facilities for 450 students, dedicated study spaces, and a communal hall.


The new college will follow OIC’s highly successful curriculum model, designed by Chief Education Officer Yasmin Sarwar, which places a strong focus on career preparation and personal development. Its curriculum model has resulted in OIC maintaining a place at the top of the UK’s independent school league tables since 2019. Over 90% of students achieve A*/A grades and, in 2021, 50% of students achieved straight A*s and 100% of students received offers to study at Russell Group universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.


Yasmin Sarwar, Chief Education Officer, commented: “OIC’s success results from a robust strategic system comprehensively designed to nurture each student’s talents and ambitions in order to give them the best possible start. Having led two schools to the top of the UK’s independent schools leaderboard, I am excited to see this successful formula applied at OIC Brighton on such a fantastic new campus.”

Before joining OIC in 2017, Yasmin Sarwar was the founder and executive director of Cardiff Sixth Form College, which held the top position in the exam league tables for nine consecutive years. She has received a number of awards, including the Pearson Tutor of the Year Award and the Welsh Asian Woman of the Year Award for Education.


In March 2021 OIC, Oxford Sixth Form College and d’Overbroeck’s joined Nord Anglia Education, a leading premium schools organisation, with 77 schools around the world. OIC Brighton marks Nord Anglia’s first new college expansion in the UK.


Andrew Fitzmaurice, Nord Anglia’s Chief Executive Officer, commented: “OIC Brighton’s students will benefit from the outstanding academic provision pioneered by Yasmin and the team at OIC while being taught on an impressive new campus. As a Nord Anglia school, OIC Brighton’s students will also have access to the global opportunities we create through our partnerships with UNICEF, MIT and Juilliard, while being able to connect with 70,000 other Nord Anglia students around the world.”


UK’s top-performing A-Level College, Oxford International College, announces new college in Brighton - UKs top-performing A-Level College Oxford International College announces new college in Brighton