A spectacular Project Week in Key Stage 3 | BIS Hanoi - a-spectacular-project-week-in-key-stage-3
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24 May, 2021

A spectacular Project Week in Key Stage 3

KSY3 PE Screenshot 2
A spectacular Project Week in Key Stage 3 What a fun and crazy week it's been! Our students in Years 7, 8, and 9 have been catapulted into all areas of creativity and physical exertion when the practical subjects on Project Week took over. They had a wonderful week learning different ways to use their brains.

What a fun and crazy week it's been! Our students in Years 7, 8, and 9 have been catapulted into all areas of creativity and physical exertion when the practical subjects on Project Week took over. They had a wonderful week learning different ways to use their brains.  

Year 7 started the week with a session in Performing Arts, where they learned about the themes in West Side Story and how to efficiently convey emotion and layer music to produce a multitrack piece. On Tuesday, they became gym coaches and designed a training session after learning about the value of fitness and circuit training. In an MIT challenge to rid outer space of debris, they adapted the skills of stop-frame animators. Later in the week, they returned to Performing Arts to explore the choreographic technique and rhythmic qualities of West Side Story's dance and music. Before finishing with their Art teachers on transforming ordinary organic shapes into exceptional creations inspired by the artists Antoni Gaudi and Yayoi Kusama, they will design ceramic pots on their return to school. 

Meanwhile, Year 8 participated in the Creative Arts days on Monday and Tuesday, which concentrated on the skills of performing to the camera, programming music software, and site-specific choreography. On Wednesday, Year 8 spent the day in Art discussing social topics that they are passionate about. They were then tasked with using typography to highlight the topic they've researched. It's amazing to see such a diverse range of work in so many different media, and it demonstrates our students' creative confidence. Year 8 spent their Thursday with the PE department talking about locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative abilities. They made some amazing videos showing how they use these skills in different sports. On Friday, it was Year 8s turn to go into space to determine the best way to clean it up, presenting their idea in the form of a stop-frame animation piece. 

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Year 9 had a jam-packed week as well, beginning on Monday with time with their Art teachers where they practised in the style of their favourite artist. On Tuesday and Wednesday, they 'tread the boards' into the Performing Arts department, exploring the use of dialects, Jerome Robbins' choreographic method, and the use of effects such as reverb and echo in music composition. The year group spent Thursday planning and addressing local problems with a brief set by RMIT Vietnam. Students had to come up with a technology approach to a world issue concerning online teaching and learning, the environment, or healthcare, with the help of Mr Burke. Some surprisingly good suggestions could be put into action. Finally, Year 9 ended their busy week with PE, working in small groups to build a space-saving, multi-exercise machine that allows people to exercise more at home during lockdown or self-isolation periods.  

The student's engagement and commitment have made this week even more spectacular. Every teacher has expressed their admiration towards each year group. We are proud to have such talented students and instructors who understand how to push the limits of imagination. Please keep an eye out for our students’ further work in the upcoming days! 

Stephanie Miller 

Assistant Head Academic