James Trett
01 March, 2019

Online threats to safety

Online threats to safety At BIS Hanoi, we do a lot to protect and educate students regarding online threats.

You may have read in worldwide media reports about an internet threat called the “MoMo Challenge”, which encourages young people to take part in dangerous challenges with strangers via a popular instant messaging app. Police agencies and schools all over the world have issued warnings to students and parents about the threat the challenge poses to the safety of young people. Latest reports from government agencies in the UK suggest that there is no evidence to prove that the “MoMo Challenge” is real.

Whilst it may apparently be “fake news” on this occasion, other online threats do exist and for this reason, it is important to monitor your child’s online activity. I would recommend that parents discuss online dangers with their children and ensure they know that they should speak to someone if anything or anyone online causes them concern. I would also advise parents to ensure that any devices used by your children are restricted to age suitable content.

At BIS Hanoi, we do a lot to protect and educate students regarding online threats. For example, we have strong computer network restrictions in place to protect students from threats while they are using our computer network. We also teach students about the dangers online and the importance of talking to an adult if they see anything that concerns or upsets them.

Today, Mr Toner (Head of Computing) spoke to all Secondary students in an assembly about the importance of online safety. He also explained how fake news can spread quickly online and what you read online may not be real. We have a page dedicated to e-safety advice for parents on our website and I’ve provided the link here.

If you have any specific concerns related to your child’s online safety, then please do get in touch via the Primary or Secondary School Office and we will be happy to provide you with additional advice.