Say No to Straws | British International School Hanoi - say-no-to-straws
Nord Anglia
28 June, 2018

Say No to Straws

Say No to Straws

As part of their Holiday Show IPC topic, 5S have been looking at the problem of plastic straws, and learning about the harm they cause to our marine animals and fish.

#LastPlasticStraw    #SayNoToStraws    #StrawsSuck  #StopPlasticPollution

Say No to Straws As part of their Holiday Show IPC topic, 5S have been looking at the problem of plastic straws, and learning about the harm they cause to our marine animals and fish. #LastPlasticStraw    #SayNoToStraws    #StrawsSuck  #StopPlasticPollution

As part of their Holiday Show IPC topic, 5S have been looking at the problem of plastic straws, and learning about the harm they cause to our marine animals and fish.

#LastPlasticStraw    #SayNoToStraws    #StrawsSuck  #StopPlasticPollution

5S have been taking action on the issue of single-use plastics this term, focusing specifically on the harm caused by plastic straws. They worked in groups to each compose a paragraph of a letter to businesses and restaurants asking them to consider alternatives to plastic straws. They sent the letter to the CEO of the Almaz in Vinhomes Riverside, and were delighted to receive a positive response. The Almaz will be plastic straw free by the end of July! Bamboo straws will be used instead.  f you are the owner of a café, bar or restaurant and have gone plastic straw free, please get in touch to let us know. 

#LastPlasticStraw    #SayNoToStraws    #StrawsSuck  #StopPlasticPollution

As part of their Holiday Show IPC topic, 5S have been looking at the problem of plastic straws, and learning about the harm they cause to our marine animals and fish. They designed posters to put up around school asking our school community to ‘Say No to Straws’.  Oliver can be seen here with his winning design, picked by Andy Bird, ManaginCutg Director of Epicure Catering. We ask all Queen Bean customers to participate in our efforts to make BIS Hanoi a greener place, by deciding to do without a plastic straw.  #LastPlasticStraw #OceanPlastic