Fun cooking at La Salsa | British International School Hanoi - fun-cooking-at-la-salsa
Nord Anglia
27 June, 2018

Fun cooking at La Salsa

La Salsa 2018 Trip 11
Fun cooking at La Salsa

As always it was amazing to see how our students behave and perform incredible tasks that they have never tried before, (as to prepare any kind of food), in the most respectful and considerate way.

Fun cooking at La Salsa As always it was amazing to see how our students behave and perform incredible tasks that they have never tried before, (as to prepare any kind of food), in the most respectful and considerate way.

As always it was amazing to see how our students behave and perform incredible tasks that they have never tried before, (as to prepare any kind of food), in the most respectful and considerate way.


Our traditional trip to La Salsa just happened again!

La Salsa 2018 Trip (11)

As always it was amazing to see how our students behave and perform incredible tasks that they have never tried before, (as to prepare any kind of food), in the most respectful and considerate way.

I am proud of Kan chopping onions and spending time with the restaurant staff, Tran helping with communications, Daniel cleaning up and the list is endless.

The most important education is the one that remains in  our hearts. Thanks Y10 and Y12 for a fantastic day out!!

Lina M Rojas

Whole School MFL Subject Leader