British International School Hanoi| Back to school - welcome-back-to-school
Nord Anglia
25 August, 2017

Welcome back to school!

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Welcome back to school!
Welcome back to school! Welcome back to the new school year. It was wonderful to meet the new families on Tuesday and to welcome back our returning students the following day. The children have settled well into their classes and have made a fantastic start to the year. Our youngest children have done exceptionally well, coming into a new environment and starting school.

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to the new school year. It was wonderful to meet the new families on Tuesday and to welcome back our returning students the following day. The children have settled well into their classes and have made a fantastic start to the year. Our youngest children have done exceptionally well, coming into a new environment and starting school.

It is a time of change for all of us, be in a new class, year, school, country and we can have mixed emotions about this. Our students have shown how caring they are to new members of the class; helping them navigate the school, making them feel welcome and playing with them; by Thursday and Friday the nervous expressions had been replaced with big smiles as we welcomed them into school in the morning – long may that continue!

The children have spent the first three days with their class teachers to establish routines and get to know their surroundings. Specialist lessons such as Vietnamese, Music and PE will all start next week.

Another change has been new caterers; our school lunches are now provided by Epicure. I’m delighted to tell that our new school lunches have been very well received; having been in talking to the children at lunchtime there were lots of thumbs up and empty plates. There are two western and two Asian choices of lunch in addition to a salad bar and noodle soup options. I certainly agree with the children the food has been delicious.

We had our welcome back assemblies yesterday and next week our first superhero returns, Captain Care. We will also begin our ‘Star of the week’ certificates next week. The superheroes are linked to our aide memoire: integrity, respect, care, enquiry, reflection and perseverance and we use assembly times to focus and reflect on how we are becoming global citizens who learn together.

Our ‘Meet the Teacher’ session will take place on the following days:

  • Early Years Tuesday 5th September
  • Phase 2 (Years 2-4) 6th September
  • Phase 3 (Years 5/6) 7th September

We are combining this with an opportunity to come into the school library, meet our librarian and find out how you and your child can make the most of our library resources so each day it will be:

  • 14:30-15:00 – Meet the librarian
  • 15:15 – 15:45 – Meet the teacher

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and week ahead.

Ms Rebecca Carroll, Head of Primary