Inspiring Our Sports Curriculum | BIS Hanoi - why-a-person-from-wales-became-a-supporter-of-an-american-football-team
Nord Anglia
10 February, 2017

Why a person from Wales became a supporter of an American Football Team?


One of the great sporting events of the year took place last weekend,  ‘The Superbowl’, which is a game played by the two top teams in American Football. It is an incredible event which was held in Houston in front of 72,000 people and a television audience of approximately 115 million.

Why a person from Wales became a supporter of an American Football Team? I linked this to the character attributes that we adhere to at British International School Hanoi though our Aide Memoire. To me, Tom Brady is an outstanding sportsperson but more importantly, an inspiring human being who lives by the values that we aspire to at British International School Hanoi.

One of the great sporting events of the year took place last weekend,  ‘The Superbowl’, which is a game played by the two top teams in American Football. It is an incredible event which was held in Houston in front of 72,000 people and a television audience of approximately 115 million.

It was a very exciting game and I have to admit, that I was extremely pleased with the final outcome which was  a win for the New England Patriots. This morning I explained, in the Secondary Assembly, why a person from Wales became a supporter of the New England Patriots, an American Football Team. I also explained to them why I had such admiration for Tom Brady the Quarterback of the New England Patriots. There is no doubt that he is one of the greatest players ever to play the game but for me, it is more about the character attributes that he possesses, and has developed, in order to achieve such great success. I linked this to the character attributes that we adhere to at British International School Hanoi though our Aide Memoire. To me, Tom Brady is an outstanding sportsperson but more importantly, an inspiring human being who lives by the values that we aspire to at British International School Hanoi. Our school is about giving students opportunities to further develop these characteristics on a daily basis and we do it extremely well. Another important part of our philosophy  is ‘Global Citizens Learning Together’. We want to give our students the opportunities to understand this concept in so many ways including the ‘Global Campus’. However, one practical way is to organise overseas trips for them and, over the next few months, we have organised have the following overseas opportunities for our students:

-    FOBISIA Under 13 Games - Thailand
-    FOBISIA Under 11 Games – Malaysia
-    FOBISIA Golf Tournament - Thailand
-    NAE Expedition for Y10 and Y12 students - Tanzania
-    DoEILA Gold Expedition – Korea

In these events, our students from both Primary and Secondary will be able to experience a wide variety of customs and culture whilst meeting likeminded global citizens from other schools and learn with and from them. As a school, we are totally committed to our Vision and Aide Memoire to  build the character of our  students whilst they evolve into Global Citizens Learning Together.

I do hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.

Anthony Rowlands, Principal