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News image SEC building grills  FACILITIES News | year6 | Homepage Featured Article | School Updates
New Facilities & Upgrades: A transformed learning campus awaits all BIS Hanoi students
While our students have been learning virtually, we’ve taken the opportunity to upgrade and add to the existing state-of-the-art facilities at our learning campus.
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News image DSC09392 News | foundationstagereception | Secondary School News
Nord Anglia schools in Vietnam organise virtual visits with universities from around the world
The University Counselling department at BIS Hanoi is organising and running university webinars throughout the academic year, in collaboration with our Nord Anglia sister schools in Vietnam.
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News image 4 2 News | foundationstageprenursery | Primary School News
Primary School Updates (5 November 2021)
Our teachers are always innovating and looking for new ways to enhance learning and opportunities for the students.
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News image 6 2 News | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Principal's Weekly Update (5 November 2021)
Over the summer and early part of this term, our campus maintenance team along with various external contractors have been installing and upgrading various parts of the school. Most of these are now completed and we wanted to share them with you to give you a foretaste.
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News image 5 2 News | foundationstagereception | Secondary School News
Secondary School Updates (5 November 2021)
As a school we are well prepared to provide information, guidance, and support to students during this time.
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News image 2021 11 02  0005       DSC00043 News | category13 | Performing Arts | Secondary School News
The BIS Hanoi Performing Arts department is brimming with excitement
Excitement in the Performing Arts department reached new heights this week thanks to a range of fascinating activities - including a special dance workshop with Juilliard specialist Hilary Easton on Tuesday, and an invitation to this year’s Virtual Young Musician of the Year.
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News image novus1 News | studentlife | Secondary School News | Student Life
The BIS Student Magazine this year returns with a fresh look and amazing writing
The student school magazine is a reflection of BIS Hanoi culture. It mirrors the activities and expression of our students’ creativity and imagination. This year, the BIS Student Magazine returns with quality articles and eye-catching layouts.
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News image 4 2 News | foundationstageprenursery | Primary School News
Primary School Updates (29 October 2021)
Welcome back to Term 1B, I hope you all enjoyed a good rest over half-term. This week, we kicked off the second half of the first-term with lots of exciting entry points.
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News image 6 2 News | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Principal's Weekly Update (29 October 2021)
School is back in full virtual swing for all our students. Thank you to those parents who joined us on Tuesday evening for our Year 7 online Parents' Evening.
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News image 5 2 News | foundationstagereception | Secondary School News
Secondary School Updates (29 October 2021)
As a community of teachers and students, we spent Friday’s assembly exploring our identity, culture, and values, asking important questions of ourselves such as “Who are we?” and “What do we stand for?”
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News image Bernd Spotlight Series 2 Blog | category12 | Secondary Learning
Teacher spotlight series: Bernd Widemann
Teacher spotlight is a series introducing our dedicated and talented Secondary School teachers. This week we hear from our University Counsellor, Bernd Widemann
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News image Students achievements News | studentlife | Secondary School News | Student Life
BIS Hanoi students recognised for remarkable performance in global competitions
Recently, our school is buzzing with excitement, thanks to a wave of good news from our students as they received tremendous recognition from many renowned global competitions. In this article, let us celebrate the wonderful accomplishments of our BIS Hanoi’s students over the last few weeks.
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News image 4 2 News | foundationstageprenursery | Primary School News
Primary School Updates (15 October 2021)
What a jam-packed first half-term it has been! I am sure everyone is ready to rest and recharge of our non-screen batteries over the coming half-term break.
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News image 6 2 News | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Principal's Weekly Update (15 October 2021)
Today marks the end of our first half term of Term 1 of this academic year. How time does fly!
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News image 5 2 News | foundationstagereception | Secondary School News
Secondary School Updates (15 October 2021)
We have reached the half-term holiday, a timely opportunity to reflect on the successes we as a Secondary School community have achieved in the last 10 weeks.
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News image 4 2 Blog | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Primary School Updates (08 October 2021)
As we approach the end of our first half-term, there are exciting exit points happening over the coming days; curriculum exit points are designed to be a celebration of the learning that has happened over the course of a half-term or unit.
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News image 5 2 Blog | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Secondary School Updates (08 Otober 2021)
Next week we celebrate our annual International Festival, a timely reminder that at BIS Hanoi we are global citizens learning together.
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News image 6 2 Blog | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Principal's Weekly Update (08 October 2021)
This week we have virtually welcomed a number of new families who took part in our virtual open days in readiness for future admissions.
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News image thumbnail News | year5 | Community Service | Homepage Featured Article
Our Secondary students bolstered a meaningful effort for the visually impaired
On September 25th, a group of Secondary students from BIS Hanoi launched a music documentary titled ‘Darkness to Light’ as part of their community project called 'Silver Lining'.
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