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News image DSC_4466 Blog | foundationstageprenursery | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School News
Ms Sue Hill Weekly Update 24.06
Two very special events took place this week in the Primary School. Firstly, the Early Year Centre performed ’In My Dreams’: a lively and colourful production with catchy tunes and an important moral where good conquered evil and friendship won through. The second event was the Primary Talent Show.
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News image sos fb2 Blog | year5 | Community Service | Homepage Featured Article
‘The SOS Village’ children with a fun-packed morning at BIS Hanoi
Our community service program continues to grow from strength to strength, encouraging our students to be conscious and active members of their community.
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News image 20160603 113834 Blog | category12 | Homepage Featured Article | Secondary School Learning | Secondary Learning | Trips & Expeditions
BIS Visit to Barcelona
We all had a sensational time but our students did the most amazing job generating some hilarious experiences, videos and photos that had us smiling from ear to ear. They can all be very proud of the work and behavior during this trip. It was an incredible experience for all of us!
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News image IMG_3249 Blog | year3 | Sport
Tennis championships 2016
The last fixture was played on Sunday. We entered 1 under 11 team and 3 under 14 boys doubles team in the inter school tennis championships last weekend.
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News image DSC_2602 Blog | year5 | Community Service | School Notices
At BIS we care about the animals
REFLECTION is another one of the characteristics we look to aspire to in our Aide Memoire; this week we have reflected on the message that both the British actor Paul Blackthorne and Vietnamese comedian Xuan Bac passed on to our staff and students, here are some of the comments.
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News image News Default Image Blog | year3 | Homepage Featured Article | Sport
Key Stage 2 House Sports
Students from Years 3 and 4 competed in sprint and hurdle relays, ball throw, javelin, long jump and speed bounce, whilst students from Years 5 and 6 competed in sprint, hurdle and distance relays, shot put, javelin, long jump and triple jump
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News image SuperHero02 Blog | year2 | Homepage Featured Article | Secondary School Learning
Primary Aide Memoire superheroes!
You may remember an exciting announcement made recently about the winning children in Primary who designed a superhero to represent one of the characteristics in our Aide Memoire.
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News image DSC_2360 Blog | category11 | The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award | Trips & Expeditions
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
This year is the 60th Anniversary of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award for Young People. Initially only for boys and based in a single Scottish school, the Award has now spread across the world to over 140 countries, and over 300,000 young people begin their Award every year.
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News image 2rstjohn8traitssmall Blog | category12 | Secondary School Learning | Secondary Learning
Richard St. John on ‘8 secrets of success’ and The power of passion
Discover the eight secrets of success and the power of passion from Richard St John, an award-winning speech writer.
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