Today, we celebrated the extraordinary achievements of three BIS Hanoi students: Shin Sang Yun (Year 12), Hoang Hai Ha (Year 11) and Vu Hang Giang (Year 11).
Last night, parents of students in Year 9 were invited to our IGCSE Options Evening hosted by Mr. Trett and Ms. Stevenson. Students got to learn about the exciting options available to them at BIS Hanoi next year.
The value of TOK is therefore not just holistic in developing students’ open-mindedness and communication skills, but also could mean the difference between a student getting their 1st choice university placement, or their backup choice.
After having successfully completed their Map Skills and "What is Geography?" PCT’s last week, Year 7 are now back in normal lessons and applying what they have learnt to a new topic.
At BIS, we place the highest importance on health and safety. We are a British International School, one of fifty-six Nord Anglia Education schools, and we are ambitious in aspiring to the high standards rightly demanded and enforced in the UK.
At BIS Hanoi, we never underestimate the importance of reading; not only are we developing the skills needed to read but also nurturing a love of books in all our students.
A strong partnership between the school and parents is key to the success of the school. The importance we place on this is reflected in the BIS Vision Pyramid.
This time of year is very important for our Year 13 students. The pressure of final examinations is starting to build and now they have to think about preparing for the next stage of their lives – university.
Partnering with world-leading educators shows the importance of passion in work at its finest, says Ethan Hildreth, Superintendent of the Nord Anglia American International School, adding that students who develop and pursue their passions easily achieve and succeed.