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News image HDF_8891 News | category13 | Performing Arts
‘Annie’ Comes to Life at BIS Hanoi
The British International School Hanoi is heading into the holidays with the perfect family musical: ‘Annie’ performed on December 12 & 13.
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News image DSC09535 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Understanding Assessment and Reporting in Key Stage 3 at BIS Hanoi: Part 3
In the final article of his 3-part series on assessment and reporting at BIS Hanoi, Mr. Webb, Head of Secondary, explains how feedback is reported to parents.
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News image DSC09535 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Understanding Assessment and Reporting in Key Stage 3 at BIS Hanoi: Part 2
In the second of three short articles about assessment and reporting at BIS Hanoi, Mr. Webb, Head of Secondary, shows how the National Curriculum levels can be interpreted.
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News image HDF_3190 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Careers in the 21st Century
Thank you to all of the students and parents who were able to attend our recent talk on Careers in the 21st Century talk by Dr. Shanton Chang. It was a great opportunity to get a better picture of what skills and knowledge our students will need in the future. For those of you not able to attend we have summarized his talk as well as provided his presentation below.
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News image HDF_5720 Blog | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Celebrating the festive season at BIS Hanoi
This week we received the exciting news that BIS Hanoi has been short-listed for the International School Awards for 2019. From over 200 nominations, we have reached the final three in the category ‘Pastoral Initiative’.
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News image DSC00122 News | foundationstageprenursery | Primary School News
BIS Hanoi Primary Choir spreads holiday cheer
At the invitation of the international women’s club “Asian Women and Friends in Hanoi”, our Primary Choir had the opportunity to spread holiday cheer through the Metropole Hotel today.
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News image BISH18_099 Blog | usefulwebsites | Educational Insights
The Importance of High Quality Foundation Education
The Early Years Foundation stage curriculum provides children with the skills and knowledge they need to become happy and independent learners.
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News image DSC09535 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Understanding Key Stage 3 Assessment and Reporting at BIS Hanoi: Part 1
In the first of three short articles about assessment and reporting, Mr. Webb, Head of Secondary at BIS Hanoi, explains the importance of feedback in the learning process.
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News image BIS Students 1 News | foundationstagereception | Secondary School News
Samsung welcomes the next generation from BIS Hanoi
Today, Year 10 Business, Computer Science and Economics students were lucky enough to visit Samsung Electronics Vietnam (SEV) just outside Hanoi.
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News image WhatsApp Image 20181204 at 121257 PM  Copy News | year1 | Trips & Expeditions
Year 7 Trip to La Ferme du Colvert
Year 7 have arrived at La Ferme du Colvert, an eco-friendly nature resort nestled within private gardens and surrounded by mountains and rivers in Luong Son, Hoa Binh.
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News image Sapa Y9 HERO News | year1 | Trips & Expeditions
Year 9 Trip to Sapa
It’s been amazing to wake up this morning to the soundscape of cicadas and the flow of water in a nearby river.
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News image LINK News | usefulwebsites | Educational Insights
Making it personal
Educators are leaving traditional practices behind in favour of a tailored, more personalised approach for each student that gives them greater control over their own learning.
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News image DSC07571 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Which IGCSE options should my Year 9 child take?
Following our highly successful Options Evening, Year 9 students have to decide which subjects they will continue to study in Year 10 and Year 11.
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News image 47022030_1036804303174683_4282732695110287360_n Blog | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Learning Outside the Classrooms
At BIS we really value opportunities for our students to take part in learning outside the classroom as these provide an excellent forum to reinforce qualities from our BIS Aide-Memoire of perseverance, respect and learning together.
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News image DSC08478 News | foundationstageprenursery | Primary School News
Parent workshop on Assessment and Reporting
Yesterday morning, we welcomed the parents of our young learners coming for the Parent workshop on Assessment and Reporting (F1 to Year 6).
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News image IMG_3219  Copy News | foundationstagenursery | Early Years Foundation Stage
F3 Visit to Vietnam Museum of Ethnology
It was a beautiful sunny day to walk around and the children had a fantastic time looking at the different materials used to build the traditional Vietnamese houses.
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News image DSC07777 News | foundationstagereception | Secondary School News
The Best Mathematicians in the World are at BIS Hanoi
Today, we celebrated the extraordinary achievements of three BIS Hanoi students: Shin Sang Yun (Year 12), Hoang Hai Ha (Year 11) and Vu Hang Giang (Year 11).
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