In Year 6 we have been exploring new and exciting ways to extend our virtual learning platform.
Once a week, the class grab their passports, sun cream and water bottles, before flying off to a historical landmark on a different continent each and every Friday.
What a HUGE success the delivery and collection of Y1 and Y2 Topic and Science packs have been; the children have been sending in some wonderful activities that they are completing at home – keep them coming. (For any parents who haven’t been able to pick them up, please go to the Guards Hut at the main gate at BIS.)
Learning has gone from strength to strength, with an increase in participation from our students but also in terms of the challenges undertaken and the success achieved.
The children in F1-F3 have continued their virtual schooling with enthusiasm this week. We are continuing to see an increase in participation and engagement every day. Keep up the great work.
Now that staff and students have started to work remotely from home, the support and dedication of our parental community has been exceptional. The children have been engaged, enthusiastic and resilient throughout, supporting each other wonderfully at all times.
Reading is the perfect way to take a break from screen time, while still engaging in English. We've also included a list of reading resources/websites your child can use if books aren’t easily accessible.
We would like to celebrate the names of students who have been Distance Learning Stars this week and also the winners of the most House Points in each year group. Keep up the hard work!
Teachers have been incredibly impressed by the effort taken and progress made across Year 3 and 4 this week. It has been another wonderful week of home learning.
Learn the meaning of dependent learners vs. independent learners to understand your child's learning needs, including the benefits of independent learning.
This week, teachers have continued to record lessons digitally, sending a variety of videos and work home to children to recreate the learning that would have been taking place in the classroom.