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News image 6 2 News | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Principal's Weekly Update (10 December 2021)
This week we have been delighted to welcome our Year 13 students back to campus for face-to-face learning.
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News image 5 2 News | foundationstagereception | Secondary School News
Secondary School Updates (10 December 2021)
In-person learning resumed at BIS Hanoi this week for the first time in over 6 months.
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News image 20211126  004  VSE  Y3  Jasmine Reilly  DSC00459 1 Blog | usefulwebsites | Educational Insights | Homepage Featured Article | International Education
How we support student well-being in a virtual school environment
In our Virtual School Experience (VSE), we value the importance of well-being and understand that it is closely related to academic success.
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News image Step Up for Vietnam  Banner News | year5 | Community Service
BritCham Vietnam Annual Charity Fun Run is back!
Following the success of the Fun Run over the past 6 years in Hanoi and over 20 years in HCMC, this year, the British Chamber of Commerce Vietnam (BritCham Vietnam) is pleased to host the annual Charity Fun Run in a virtual format from the 1st to 5th December 2021.
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News image 4 2 News | foundationstageprenursery | Primary School News
Primary School Updates (3 December 2021)
It has been a wonderful half term in Phase Two and the children have impressed us all with their perseverance, resilience and independence in our Virtual School Experience.
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News image 6 2 News | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Principal's Weekly Update (3 December 2021)
By the end of this week we will have had the opportunity to support the vaccination roll out to all our 12 year old’s and upwards.
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News image 5 2 News | foundationstagereception | Secondary School News
Secondary School Updates (3 December 2021)
With Term 1 soon coming to a close, we have been reflecting on the achievements of the last 15 weeks of schooling.
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News image eliseecoff News | news | International Education
Pandemic a “great disruptor” for education: EDUtech Asia 2021
While the pandemic has brought many challenges, it’s also introduced a new wave of innovation, resilience and collaboration in education that could prove to be a permanent “great disruptor” to the sector.
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News image 4 2 News | foundationstageprenursery | Primary School News
Primary School Updates (26 November 2021)
At BIS Hanoi, while academic learning is important, and the students continue to progress and learn new skills through reading, writing, phonics, Maths, Science and topic lessons, we also understand the importance of the social and emotional well-being of our students.
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News image 6 2 News | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Principal's Weekly Update (26 November 2021)
This week we have begun the process of supporting the vaccination of our oldest students in school aged 15 – 18 years.
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News image 5 2 News | foundationstagereception | Secondary School News
Secondary School Updates (26 November 2021)
Teacher professional learning was the hot topic at BIS Hanoi this week, with all teachers participating in the 21st Century Learning Virtual Conference broadcast from Hong Kong.
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News image 2021 11 10  0007   Counsellor  University  Parent  DSC00390 Blog | category12 | Educational Insights | Homepage Featured Article | Secondary Learning
Higher Education Guide: Key considerations when applying for university
The process of deciding what to do, and where to go, after graduating from BIS Hanoi should be a long-term, ongoing one. The University Guidance Counsellor is focused on giving BIS Hanoi students the right support and guidance as they negotiate what can be difficult decisions.
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News image WyduU9m News | unicef | Homepage Featured Article | School Updates | Student Life
BIS Hanoi students take over the school for World Children's Day 2021
Every year in November, BIS Hanoi students come together to celebrate World Children's Day through a series of inspiring, student-led activities.
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News image 4 2 News | foundationstageprenursery | Primary School News
Primary School Updates (19 November 2021)
Ahead of World Children’s Day on November 20th, today BIS Hanoi Primary students took part in an exciting day of events and activities.
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News image 6 2 News | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Principal's Weekly Update (19 November 2021)
Today we are celebrating World Children’s Day across our school. For each of us, our childhood is such a critical and formative part of our lives that helps to shape who we are and the pathways we choose.
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News image 5 2 News | foundationstagereception | Secondary School News
Secondary School Updates (19 November 2021)
World Children’s Day was the focus this week, with engaging activities running through Form Tutor sessions and during assembly.
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News image 2021 04 14  0006   CAS  Climate Change  DSC07414 News | year5 | Community Service | Secondary School News
Sharing Knowledge for a Better Future: How our Year 13 students inspired a passion for sustainability in younger pupils
As part of their CAS project, our Year 13 students taught our primary pupils about the importance of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (or Global Goals).
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News image 4 2 News | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Primary School Updates (12 November 2021)
One of the many wonderful benefits of being part of a global group of schools is that our students have access to an online platform called Global Campus.
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News image 6 2 News | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Principal's Weekly Update (12 November 2021)
Next Friday, we look forward to celebrating World Children’s Day in our classes and assemblies. Our students will be organising various aspects of the school day for us.
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News image 5 2 News | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Secondary School Updates (12 November 2021)
In assembly last week, we celebrated our commitment to the guiding principles of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), a qualification which provides the most globally aware, forward-thinking, and academically rigorous high school certificate internationally.
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