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News image IMG_0552 Blog | foundationstageprenursery | Primary School News
Primary Talk
Children across the Primary School are doing ‘Talk4Writing’ to support their literacy skills. It is an initiative that promotes children talking, telling and re-telling stories to support the development of their own language, ideas and storytelling.
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News image Picture27 Blog | foundationstageprenursery | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School News
For the Love of Reading
From the minute children are born, singing songs, reading stories and talking with children begins developing their language simply from listening to it. As they grow, taking the time to sit with children quietly and give them our undivided attention whilst reading stories, looking at the pictures and enjoying time together is precious.
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News image poster back to school01 2 Blog | foundationstageprenursery | Homepage Featured Article | Parent Advice | Primary School News
Caring Primary Students
It has been a busy week in the Primary school, with the children being on full timetable and starting specialist lessons. Our superhero Captain Care is the theme for this half-term. Caring is one of our six characteristics that are part of our aide-memoire and Captain Care has been spotted around school this week. We have been talking about caring for each other but also how we take care of our belongings, our school and the environment.
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News image Photo Wall 3 m x 275m Scale 001 Blog | foundationstageprenursery | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School News
Welcome back to school!
Welcome back to the new school year. It was wonderful to meet the new families on Tuesday and to welcome back our returning students the following day. The children have settled well into their classes and have made a fantastic start to the year. Our youngest children have done exceptionally well, coming into a new environment and starting school.
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News image P6079179 Blog | year6 | Community Service | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School News | School Updates | Secondary Learning
‘Grow it, don’t throw it' theme in BIS Green Week
June 5th to 9th was Whole School Green Week themed ‘Grow it, don’t throw it!’ giving students the opportunity to reflect upon their impact on our environment and the positive changes they could make. Students made Green pledges and promises that would help reduce their impact on earth.
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News image IMG_1739 Blog | foundationstageprenursery | Homepage Featured Article | Parent Advice | Performing Arts | Primary School News | School Updates
Hercules reaches new heights!
The performance started dramatically, with the cast of approximately 200 children on the stage, singing or accompanying as part of the orchestra. The story soon unfolded as gods and goddesses were seen setting challenges for young Hercules as a penance for his mischievous behaviour. The challenges led Hercules and his friend Ialous to visit strange lands to complete some dangerous, life-threatening tasks for the mean goddess Hera.
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News image P6099639 Blog | foundationstageprenursery | Community Service | Homepage Featured Article | Parent Advice | Primary School News | School Updates
Our planet and our health!
Educating students about our role in creating a more sustainable future through making simple actions become habits has been our goal - together, our simple actions can make a big difference! Students thought about promises they could make to themselves in order to help protect the environment and recorded these on recyclable leaves.
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News image green week 03 Blog | year5 | Community Service | Homepage Featured Article | Parent Advice | Primary School News | School Updates
Lend your support to BIS Hanoi garden projects!
The British International School Hanoi garden is a wonderful environmental education tool, helping our students to reconnect with the natural world and understand the true source of food, highlighting healthy eating and improving nutrition.
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News image 18721386_10154637972703181_2000639949_o Blog | foundationstageprenursery | Homepage Featured Article | Parent Advice | Primary School News | School Updates | Sport
Wonderful performances on and off the field in primary
The competition was a fantastic opportunity for making new friends from different countries too, as you can see from reading the reflections below. Congratulations British International School Hanoi - you were truly amazing and demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship, care, respect and integrity both on and off the pitch.
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News image thumb__DSC0404_1024 Blog | year3 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School News | Secondary Sports | Sport
Excellent sports endeavors from our students
Competitive sport has gone from strength to strength at British International School Hanoi over the course of this year. We participated in local and international events, and the school is a full member of the Hanoi Activities Conference and the Federation of British International Schools in Asia.
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News image 2511 Blog | foundationstageprenursery | Primary School News
Amazing opportunities for our BIS students
On Wednesday, we waved goodbye to a team of 24 primary students as they started their journey to the FOBISIA Games in Kuala Lumpur. This is the first time we have sent a team for the Under 11s and they will be against some stiff opposition from the following British International schools: KTJ, the host school; The ABC International School in Ho Chi Minh City; The British School, Beijing and Garden International School Rayong, Thailand.
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News image IMG_20170506_143441 Blog | foundationstageprenursery | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School News
BIS Primary success in ICT
I would like to start by celebrating BIS Primary success in ICT. Last weekend, Noah, Tuong Anh, Ky Lam, Nam Khoi, Xuan An and Coco from Year 5 and 6 entered a Global Codeathon hosted by UNIS.
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News image IMG_5783 Blog | foundationstageprenursery | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School News
A Night in the Library!
Only three days in school this week however so much has happened! I must start by congratulating the Year 3 children who went home yesterday after lessons and returned with pillows, pajamas, swimsuits, teddy bears and a toothbrush; yes, it was the annual sleepover for our 7 and 8 year olds!
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