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News image hoi an 1 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Activities For Your Family This Summer in Vietnam
Due to travel restriction, your family will find it hard to travel to other countries or go back to your hometown this summer. However, there are still many ways to enjoy this hot Summer season in Vietnam. Here are some recommendations from us!
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News image BLM Blog | parents | Parent Advice
#BlackLivesMatter actions in school
As you are most likely aware countries around the world are looking at their own problems of racism, often towards their own indigenous and minority people and black people and trying to do better. Our teachers have been talking with students the last couple of weeks about Black Lives Matter and different countries responses.
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News image 219134croppedw540h329of1FFFFFFnyon18_173_jpg Blog | parents | Parent Advice
How to: get creative at home!
Developing new skills and hobbies is a wonderful way to further support your child’s learning. Stuck for ideas? Read our blog with top tips from our teachers and ideas from some of our colleagues for creative outlets that children of all ages can enjoy at home.
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News image template Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Dependent Learners vs. Independent Learners
Learn the meaning of dependent learners vs. independent learners to understand your child's learning needs, including the benefits of independent learning.
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News image DSC_8480 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Talk for Writing: How to build writing confidence in young learners
At BIS Hanoi, we use Talk for Writing to develop children’s reading and writing skills. For any child, learning to read is crucial in learning to write: it supports their vocabulary, inspires their creativity and provides a clear structure. Through the use of actions and key vocabulary used within Talk for Writing, children are enabled to become writers with a whole skill set.
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News image HDF_2513 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Online threats to safety
At BIS Hanoi, we do a lot to protect and educate students regarding online threats.
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News image DSC06909 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
The Benefits of Mindfulness for Students
Well-being for everyone: Looking after our mind is just as important as looking after our bodies. This can be done by practising mindfulness.
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News image DSC09535 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Understanding Assessment and Reporting in Key Stage 3 at BIS Hanoi: Part 3
In the final article of his 3-part series on assessment and reporting at BIS Hanoi, Mr. Webb, Head of Secondary, explains how feedback is reported to parents.
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News image DSC09535 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Understanding Assessment and Reporting in Key Stage 3 at BIS Hanoi: Part 2
In the second of three short articles about assessment and reporting at BIS Hanoi, Mr. Webb, Head of Secondary, shows how the National Curriculum levels can be interpreted.
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News image HDF_3190 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Careers in the 21st Century
Thank you to all of the students and parents who were able to attend our recent talk on Careers in the 21st Century talk by Dr. Shanton Chang. It was a great opportunity to get a better picture of what skills and knowledge our students will need in the future. For those of you not able to attend we have summarized his talk as well as provided his presentation below.
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News image DSC09535 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Understanding Key Stage 3 Assessment and Reporting at BIS Hanoi: Part 1
In the first of three short articles about assessment and reporting, Mr. Webb, Head of Secondary at BIS Hanoi, explains the importance of feedback in the learning process.
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News image DSC07571 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
Which IGCSE options should my Year 9 child take?
Following our highly successful Options Evening, Year 9 students have to decide which subjects they will continue to study in Year 10 and Year 11.
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News image DSC_9463 Blog | parents | Parent Advice
The Importance of Reading in One’s Home Language
At BIS Hanoi, we never underestimate the importance of reading; not only are we developing the skills needed to read but also nurturing a love of books in all our students.
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