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Moon Festival at BIS Hanoi, 2019
The Moon Festival is one of the most highly anticipated events for students and teachers at BIS Hanoi. All students from Primary to Secondary join in the fun and were excited to participate in activities such as making moon cakes, dancing and singing songs to celebrate the Moon Festival.
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BIS Hanoi’s student ambassadors stand out at the NAE-UNICEF Student Summit 2019
Everyone associated with the British International School Hanoi (BIS Hanoi) is extremely proud that two of our students: Ha Minh and Sung Woo, successfully represented the school at the NAE-UNICEF Student Summit this Summer. The Summit is part of Nord Anglia Education (NAE)’s collaboration with UNICEF, and is hosted annually within the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.
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Year 4 Production: Wind in the Willow
The Wind in the Willows production has been a huge success because 60 students and teachers all worked together as a team to deliver an amazing performance. It has taught us there is so much value in learning how to become confident speakers.
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News image HDF_0463 News | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Graduation Ceremony - Class of 2019
On June 15th, 23 Year 13 students came together with over 120 of their teachers, family members and special guests to celebrate their Graduation at Almaz Convention Centre. The ceremony was filled with pride and joy as it was a celebration of the milestone they had just reached.
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Summer Concert 2019
The concert is a celebration of Musical Journey. All the performances are a result of the hard work from our talented Primary and Secondary students! It was a perfect concert for us to say hello to summer!
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"Pot Luck" Lunch by Friends of BIS
On June 20, our parents have together created a wonderful "Pot Luck" Lunch that was filled with gratitude, laughter and of course, delicious dishes from all around the world!
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Year 6 End-of-year Celebrations: School Disco
Year 6 kicked off their end-of-year celebrations with a school Disco this week.
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A day as a Secondary student at BIS Hanoi
On Wednesday, Year 6 students had the opportunity to experience life as a Secondary student.
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Secondary Drama ECA performed ‘Alice’
On Thursday 13th June the students of the Secondary Drama ECA performed ‘Alice’ based on the play by Laura Wade.
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Go back in time with The Great Art Timeline Exhibition
On Wednesday 12th June, we celebrated Key Stage 3's The Great Art Timeline Exhibition and what made it particularly unique, was that it was the first collaborative Exhibition with BVIS.
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A week in the BIS Library!
Our library is a favourite place in school for many students and teachers, especially during Book Week.
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Celebrating an Amazing Term at BIS Hanoi
Today we celebrated Term 2 achievements in the termly Principal’s Awards Assembly.
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News image DSC03182 Blog | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Welcome 2019 at BIS Hanoi
It was lovely to see our students return on Monday, smiling and refreshed after the holidays. I would also like to extend a special welcome to all the new students who arrived this week. Newcomers included those from Australia, France and Singapore.
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News image HDF_5720 Blog | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Celebrating the festive season at BIS Hanoi
This week we received the exciting news that BIS Hanoi has been short-listed for the International School Awards for 2019. From over 200 nominations, we have reached the final three in the category ‘Pastoral Initiative’.
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News image 47022030_1036804303174683_4282732695110287360_n Blog | 001 | Weekly School Updates
Learning Outside the Classrooms
At BIS we really value opportunities for our students to take part in learning outside the classroom as these provide an excellent forum to reinforce qualities from our BIS Aide-Memoire of perseverance, respect and learning together.
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